
The open water resources in Suriname can be divided into two major groups as follows:

  • Rivers, including sea water, and
  • Swamps, wetlands, lagoons and man-made lakes.

Suriname has seven major streams draining toward the Atlantic Ocean (see Table 1). The largest are the Marowijne and Corantijn rivers that form the country’s borders, respectively, in the east and the west. These two rivers flow northward and drain almost 58% of the country. The Coppename and the Suriname river also flow northward and together drain about 24% of the country. The smallest rivers are the Nickerie, Saramacca, and Commewijne rivers, which drain 16% of the country. The final 2% of the country consists of coastal areas with direct drainage into the Atlantic Ocean. The Suriname rivers drain on average about 4,800 m3/s (756 mm/year) freshwater into the Atlantic ocean. The main rivers are tidal and contain brackish water in the coastal area. The map below shows the salt water borders in the main rivers and the catchment areas of the main rivers.

The following table shows hydrological characteristics of the main rivers in Suriname.

Hydrological characteristics of the main rivers in Suriname (a)

N Main river Catchment Area (km²) Average annual discharge (m³/s) Extreme low discharge (m³/s Extreme high annual discharge (m³/s) Specific discharge
 1  Marowijne  68,700  1,780  100  15,000  25.9
 2  Commewijne  6,600  120  5  1,200  18.2
 3  Suriname  16,500  426  20  4,000*  25.8
 4  Saramacca  9,000  225  10  2,000  25.0
 5  Coppename  21,700  500  25  4,200  23.0
 6  Nickerie  10,100  178  10  1,800  17.6
 7  Corantijn  67,600  1,570  100  15,000  23.2

*Before the construction of the dam

Hydrological characteristics of the main rivers in Suriname (1961-1970) (b)

N Main river Estimated rainfall (mm) Estimated runoff (mm) Estimated evapotranspiration (MM)
 1  Marowijne (Lange tabbetje) 2,246  1,780  100
 2  Suriname (Pokigron) 2,414  426  20
 3  Saramacca (Dramhoso)  2,294  225  10
 4  Coppename (Maksita creek)  2,349  500  25
 5  Nickerie (Stondansi)  2,272  178  10
 6  Corantijn (Mataway)  2,271  1,570  100

*Before the construction of the dam



The SWRIS was created by the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (SMNR programme) with the support of UNDP, WWF and government authorities and is a voluntary effort on the part of the partners.


Anton de Kom University of Suriname
Leysweg, POB 9212,
Paramaribo, Suriname
Department of infrastructure
Building 16, Room 56

General phone:
+597-465558 ext 2355, 2357



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