Groundwater a quifer

Ninety-five percent of the country’s total supply of potable water comes from ground water. The ground water resources of Suriname are used for public supply and to lesser extent industry. Suriname contains two hydrologically distinct provinces, the Interior Precambrian Shield of crystalline rocks, comprising 80 percent of the country, and the coastal plain basin, comprising the remaining 20 percent. There is an abundance of good quality groundwater which is contained in the coastal basin. Groundwater in the young coastal plain is not renewable, groundwater in the old coastal plain and savannah belt area are renewable.

The aquifers of Suriname are in the coastal basin, which are built up of unconsolidated sediments consisting of a sequence of clay, sands, sandy clay, clayey sands, gravel, with more or less kaolin content, and thin bed organic compound. These aquifers which have been classified based on the geological ages are the:

  • Nickerie
  • Onverwacht
  • A-sand
  • Coesewijne
  • Zanderij
  • Coropina
  • Demerara

The most important freshwater aquifers from where water is withdrawn are the:

  • A-sand aquifers: no recharge; depths from 130-190 m
  • Coesewijne aquifers: no recharge; depths from 70-110 m, and
  • Zanderij aquifers: recharge from Savannah area; depths from 15-60 m

Ground water conditions in the northern Interior Precambrian Shield are generally unfavorable, because the geological formations in this province have little or no primary permeability. The south which is an active system is recharged directly from rainfall and coincides with the savanna and old coastal plain. Generally the salinity increases towards the coast. The water in the Zanderij aquifer is fresh throughout the old coastal plain, and brackish in the young coastal plain, particularly adjacent to the rivers. The change is abrupt. In the Coesewijne aquifers freshwater continues farthest north. Higher salinity extends farthest inland along concealed lines in the A-Sand.

The salinity of groundwater is commonly expressed in total dissolved solids (TDS) in mg/l and chloride concentrations in mg/l or mmol/l. The table below shows a common classification.

Salinity class TDS in mg/l Cloride in mg/l
Fresh <50
Fresh 1-1,000 0-250
Moderate brackish 1,000-12,000 250-7,000
Brackish 12,000-24,000 7,000-14,000
Saline 24,000-34,000 14,000-20,000
Hypersaline >34,000 >20,000

The Surinamese Water Supply Company (SWM) has currently 15 productions stations. The number of groundwater wells is about 78. Characteristics of these stations are shown in the tables below. The annual water production is about 38.106 m³ water.

About 32% of the drinking water supply is withdrawn from the A-sand aquifers. Average withdrawal rates are as follows (1986):

Zorg & Hoop 13,000 m3/day
Livorno 10,000 m3/day
Leysweg 5,400 m3/day
Meerzorg 3,600 m3/day
Helena Cristina 4,800 m3/day
Koewarasan 2,400 m3/day
Total 39,200 m3/day

Currently about 37% of the drinking water supply is withdrawn from the Zanderij aquifers. Average withdrawals are as follows (1986):

Paranam 20,000 m3/day
La Vigilantia 2,400 m3/day
Republic 11,100 m3/day
Biliton 1,100 m3/day
Wonoredjo/Cottica Rivier 2,000 m3/day
Albina/Erowarte 1,000 m3/day
Alliance/Wanhatti 4,000 m3/day
Nieuw Nickerie 2,500 m3/day
Sidoredjo 3,100 m3/day
Apoera 6,000 m3/day
Total 39,200 m3/day

About 31% of the drinking water supply is withdrawn from the Coesewijne aquifers. Average rates are as follows (1986):

Leysweg 3,000 m3/day
Kwatta 9,600 m3/day
Koewarasan 4,300 m3/day
Helena Christina 3,800 m3/day
Tijgerkreek 1,400 m3/day
Tambaredjo 1,400 m3/day
Groningen 1,400 m3/day
Kampong Baroe 1,400 m3/day
Coronie 2,500 m3/day
Wageningen 3,000 m3/day
Henar 1,400 m3/day
Paradise 3,800 m3/day
Total 38,000 m3/day

Production stations of the SWM

Production station In use Mean production Storage capacity Aquifer Cl-contennt
in m3 in m3 in mg/l
Republiek 1933 250 400/4000 Zanderij 10
WK-Plein 1958 500 8400 490 260
Leysweg 1972 340 4000 A-zand/ 240
Livorno 1981 450 1700 A-zand 100
Lelydorp 1982 400 1000 Zanderij 75
Flora 1989 120 2000 A-zand 250
Benies 1990 2000
Tourtonne 1990 100 2000 A-zand 290
Blauwgrond 1992 140 10.000/4000 A-zand 340
Van Hattenweg 1997 1100 6100 Zanderij 25
Helena Christina after 2002 300 1100 A-zand/ 160
Moengo after 1999 200 50
Albina 1960 10 2000 30
Nw. Nickerie 1958 160 1000 340
Nickerie West 58 350
Sidoredjo After 2002 150 600/650 30
Koewarasan 135
Pont Buiten 91
Leiding 9a 165
Uitkijk 170
La Vigilantia 11-200
Meerzorg 170
Peperpot 270
Paradise 15
Groot Henar 70
Europolder <200
Totness 60
Boskamp 11
Peperhol 102
Groningen 85
Kampong Baroe 85
Wonoredjo 40

* WHO norm (250 mg/l)

Production stations of the SWM and the source of the aquifers

Nr Production station Water withdrawal rate Aquifer
1 Afobaka ± 30 m3/uur O.I.
2 Albina ± 30 m3/uur Zanderij
3 Apoera ± 40 m3/uur Zanderij
4 Beni’s Park ± 60 m3/uur Coesewijne
5 Billiton ± 100 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
6 Blauwgrond ± 120 m3/uur A-Zand/Coesewijne
7 Coronie ± 65 m3/uur Coesewijne
8 Flora ± 80 m3/uur Coesewijne/A-Zand
9 Groningen ± 25 m3/uur Coesewijne
10 Helena Christina ± 250 m3/uur Coesewijne /A-Zand
11 Henar ± 45 m3/uur Coesewijne
12 Javaweg ± 10 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
13 Kampong Baroe ± 19 m3/uur Coesewijne
14 Klaaskreek ± 30 m3/uur O.I.
15 Koewarasan ± 146 m3/uur Coesewijne /A-Zand
16 La Vigilantia ± 67 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
17 Leiding 9a ± 254 m3/uur Coesewijne
18 Lelydorp ± 470 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
19 Leysweg ± 400 m3/uur Coesewijne/A-Zand
20 Livorno ± 500 m3/uur A-Zand
21 Meerzorg ± 100 m3/uur A-Zand
22 Niew Nickerie ± 150 m3/uur Zanderij
23 Paradise ± 117 m3/uur Coesewijne
24 Paranam ± 100 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
25 Peperhol ± 76 m3/uur Coesewijne
26 Peperpot ± 54 m3/uur A-Zand
33 Pont Buiten ±58 m3/uur A-Zand
27 Powaka ± 10 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
28 Republiek ± 400 m3/uur Zanderij aquifer
29 Sidoredjo ± 140 m3/uur Zanderij
30 Tourtonne ± 100 m3/uur A-Zand/Coesewijne
31 Uitkijk ± 38 m3/uur A-Zand
32 Wageningen ± 80 m3/uur Coesewijne
33 Zorg en Hoop ±640 m3/uur A-Zand


1 Wanica/Paramaribo Efraimzegen/Pont/Santo/Jarikaba/Uitkijk A-Zand
Para Rijsdijk,Oost-West Zanderij/Cor.
3 Para Vierkinderen/Matta Zanderij/Cor.
4 Para Powakka/Hanover/Wiesawienie Zanderij/Cor.
5 Para Zanderij/Bosbivak Zanderij/Cor.
6 Wanica Pad v.Wanica Oost Coesewijne
7 Commewijne Rechteroever Comm./Alliance Zanderij/Coesewijne
8 Commewijne Morico/Wanhattie/Perica Coesewijne
9 Coronie/Nickerie Totness/Wageningen Coesewijne
10 Nickerie/Sipaliwini Van Pettten-/Europolder/Apoera Zanderij/Cor.
  • Amatali, A en Naipal, S. (1999). Water resources Prediction (Technical report no. 4a), Ministry of Public, Works, Suriname.
  • Amatali, A en Naipal, S. (1999). Water resources Profile (Technical report no. 4a), Ministry of Public Works, Suriname.
  • Duba, D. et al. (1971). Report on water balance studies, public water supplies and sewage (draft 2), Suriname -2200, Public Water Supplies and Sewerage, Suriname and World Health Organization.
  • Groen, K. (2002). The effects of trans regression and regression on coastal and offshore groundwater, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands.
  • Mente, A. and Chai Meu Chong, E. (1986). Hydrogeological map of Suriname, Ministry of Natural Resources and  Energy, Suriname.
  • Ouboter, P. E. (ed.) (1993). The freshwater ecosystems of Suriname, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Suriname
  • US Army Corps of Engineers (2001). Suriname Water Resources Assessment Report, USA.
  • Nurmohamed, R. (2008). The impact of climate change on water resources in Suriname, Anton de Kom University of Suriname, Suriname.



The SWRIS was created by the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (SMNR programme) with the support of UNDP, WWF and government authorities and is a voluntary effort on the part of the partners.


Anton de Kom University of Suriname
Leysweg, POB 9212,
Paramaribo, Suriname
Department of infrastructure
Building 16, Room 56

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+597-465558 ext 2355, 2357



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